– Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Wilkins & Associates and NEPA
Management Associates hosted the 30th Annual Awards Brunch held at
Lawnhaven at Stroudsmoore Inn on January 19th, 2020. The brunch was
attended by Managers, Realtors, Employees, Staff, and Members of the BHG
Independent Family of Home Buying Services.
Said Christine A. Wilkins
President – “All of our staff and agents look forward to the Annual Awards
Brunch. It’s our 30th Awards Brunch. All the staff at Stroudsmoore
know us, they know our people, and the food is fantastic”.
Award winners include:
Certificates of Achievement: Cynthia Lynch Realtor, Deborah Matthews Realtor, Yelena
Smashnov Realtor; Warren “WK” Watson Realtor, and Kathy Louis Assoc. Broker.
Rookie of
the Year: Kacey Conaty Realtor and
Kurt Homza Realtor.
Said Thomas R Wilkins CEO
– “Rookie of the Year is probably the most exciting award to present. It’s a
Realtor who has just got their Real Estate License and is making an impact into
the Pocono Real Estate Industry. These ‘rookies’ are going to be our next top
producers just give them a little bit of time.”
Outstanding Salespersons: Grace Moro Realtor, Carol Demarest Realtor, Stephanie
Troiani Realtor, and Thomas Waslowski Realtor.
Top 10 Salespersons of the Year: Kimberly Gay Realtor, Dennis Farrelly Realtor, James
Martin Realtor, Thomas Waslowski Realtor, Stephanie Troiani Realtor, Carol
Demarest Realtor, Annette “Dot” Ifill Realtor, Beth Schutte Realtor, Katherine
Skillman Assoc. Broker, and Kathy Louis Assoc. Broker.

“James Martin Realtor was
also awarded in the Top 10 of Better Homes and Gardens Corporate based on the
number of units that Martin sold. This is a nationwide award” Wilkins further
Top Sales Team of the Year:
The Dennis Farrelly Team.
“The Dennis Farrelly Team
was also honored by Better Homes and Gardens Corporate whose sales are in the
top percentile of the Real Estate Teams nationwide.” Wilkins CEO added.
Top Salesperson by Volume: Kimberly Gay Realtor.
Top Salesperson by Units: James Martin Realtor.
Certificate of Excellence: Mary Muschock Accounting Department
Said Thomas R. Wilkins CEO
– “Mary has demonstrated her commitment to not only doing her job but, doing
her job well. She has been promoted from a bookkeeper to the position of depositing
money for not only Better Homes and Gardens but for NEPA Management, long-term
rentals, and other corporate money received. We are very proud of Mary and her
job performance.”
Employee of the Year: Christina Serpico Senior Vice President and Senior
Property Manager
“Christina Serpico has been with the company
close to 18 years. In that time period she has advanced herself from
Administrative Assistant to an Officer of the Corporation as well as the Senior
Manager for NEPA Management with the association business that we do. This
Employee of the Year award could not have gone to a better person.” Said
Wilkins CEO.
“Best Customer Service Award – Above and
Beyond”: Betsy Lloyd Property Manager,
Warren “WK” Watson Realtor, Carol Demarest Realtor, Ingrid Eagon Realtor, and Stephanie
Troiani Realtor.
“Excellence in Organization”: Marilyn Lesoine Senior Property Manager and HR
Director, Donna DiBernard Realtor, Grace Moro Realtor, and Ann-Marie Kelly
“Marilyn knows where
everything is, keeps it where you can find it and if you do need it between
Marilyn and Betsy they’ll make sure you get it.” Chuckled Christine A. Wilkins
Best Corporate Branding: William “Bill” Schutte Executive Vice President and Assoc.
Broker and James Martin Realtor.
“The Encouraging Word Award”: William “Bill” Schutte Executive Vice President and Assoc.
Broker, Kathy Louis Assoc. Broker, Kimberly Gay Realtor, and Carol Demarest
Helping Hands Award: Toni Jones Central Processing, Anna Snook Manager Long-Term
in Corporate Rentals, Marilyn Lesoine Senior Property Manager and HR Director, Donna
DiBernard Realtor, Carol Demarest Realtor, Kimberly Gay Realtor, and Beth
Schutte Realtor.
“We had to laugh this year;
all of our helping hands awards were done by our children who have now outgrown
the plaque. Their hands are too big, so Christine A. Wilkins using her artistic
talents came up with new Helping Hands Awards which everyone received
tremendously.” Proudly said Thomas R. Wilkins CEO.
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